Darbhanga BJP MP Kirti Azad on Saturday advised the staff of Telecom District Darbhanga (TDD), to improve the functioning and restore people's faith in BSNL.
"Many telephone exchanges under TDD do not work for days and none of the higher officials have bothered to look into it resulting in harassment of subscribers. When the subscribers protest billing, their grievances are never redressed," said Azad at the Telephone Advisory Committee meeting on Saturday. "Nobody knows when the GM of TDD would come to office. As a result, the subscribers are unable to meet him," he said.
"Many telephone exchanges under TDD do not work for days and none of the higher officials have bothered to look into it resulting in harassment of subscribers. When the subscribers protest billing, their grievances are never redressed," said Azad at the Telephone Advisory Committee meeting on Saturday. "Nobody knows when the GM of TDD would come to office. As a result, the subscribers are unable to meet him," he said.
GM, Muzaffarpur Telecom District, SS Yadav, holding additional charge of GM, TDD, said at least one day in a week he comes to Darbhanga. "On which day?," asked Azad and suggested that he should come twice a week and the date of his arrival should be made public. The GM agreed to it.
Azad told TOI that TDD functioning has deteriorated. "During my stay here since May 31, hundreds of subscribers have met me with different complaints against local BSNL office. Being the people's representative, I was duty bound to raise these issues at the TAC meeting," he said. Azad said, he will also seek a vigilance inquiry into the functioning of TDD.
Yadav said on phone from Muzaffarpur on Sunday that he had to look after both Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur telephone districts. He, however, said some of the lapses pointed by the Darbhanga MP were true. Now he had decided to visit Darbhanga office for two days in a week .
Azad told TOI that TDD functioning has deteriorated. "During my stay here since May 31, hundreds of subscribers have met me with different complaints against local BSNL office. Being the people's representative, I was duty bound to raise these issues at the TAC meeting," he said. Azad said, he will also seek a vigilance inquiry into the functioning of TDD.
Yadav said on phone from Muzaffarpur on Sunday that he had to look after both Darbhanga and Muzaffarpur telephone districts. He, however, said some of the lapses pointed by the Darbhanga MP were true. Now he had decided to visit Darbhanga office for two days in a week .
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