State-run Telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) launches its video Calling service on Landline Phones in Pune city of Maharashtra. The addition to the BSNL landline service is aimed particularly at the enterprise segment and international callers. The equipment comes from the SIS manufacturing facility at Himachal Pardesh, and the company said that of the around 30,000 systems already manufactured, some
700-800 have been sold. SIS will set up video calling public call offices (PCOs) in different parts of country. Customers have to pay INR 3,000-5,000 towards the cost of the equipment, besides routine installation and service charges. The special plan is available for the first 500 non-government customers and will also be available to government customers on a rental basis. BSNL said that the service comes after the payment of a one-time registration charge of INR 250, monthly service charges of INR 100 and other miscellaneous charges of INR 50 per month, plus a per minute usage charge of INR 1 for voice domestic calls and INR 2.5 for video calls.
BSNL’s Voice & Video Over Internet Protocol (VVOIP) technology uses the packet switching technology and makes communication possible over IP networks such as Internet. In this the Voice and Video signals are converted into data packets and sent to the destination, where the data packets are again converted back to voice and video respectively. The high Quality of Service (QoS) is accompanied by authentication schemes and built in encryption to maintain the privacy and secrecy of the communication. The Video Telephone can also be connected to overhead projectors and LCD TVs for a bigger display for communication between groups of people. This service also provides all the industry standard Class 5 features like Call Hold, Call Transfer, Do Not Disturb, Call Forward, Mute, Caller ID / Name Display or Block, Call Waiting, Call Waiting Caller ID, 3-Way Conferencing, Call Log, Video Phone Book, Off Hook Auto Dial, Auto Answer, Early Dial and Speed Dial, Redial, Volume Control, Visual Message / Voice-mail Indicator, Downloadable Custom Music Ring Tones, etc. Availability of Soft phone, which can be installed on a Personal Computer (PC), will further reduce the initial investment for subscribing to this service. The Soft phone will be provided FREE OF COST. DVD Quality pictures (30 fps) will ensure visual clarity at both ends. The controls will allow horizontal and vertical adjustments of the camera and zoom in and zoom out controls for better transmission of image.
700-800 have been sold. SIS will set up video calling public call offices (PCOs) in different parts of country. Customers have to pay INR 3,000-5,000 towards the cost of the equipment, besides routine installation and service charges. The special plan is available for the first 500 non-government customers and will also be available to government customers on a rental basis. BSNL said that the service comes after the payment of a one-time registration charge of INR 250, monthly service charges of INR 100 and other miscellaneous charges of INR 50 per month, plus a per minute usage charge of INR 1 for voice domestic calls and INR 2.5 for video calls.
BSNL’s Voice & Video Over Internet Protocol (VVOIP) technology uses the packet switching technology and makes communication possible over IP networks such as Internet. In this the Voice and Video signals are converted into data packets and sent to the destination, where the data packets are again converted back to voice and video respectively. The high Quality of Service (QoS) is accompanied by authentication schemes and built in encryption to maintain the privacy and secrecy of the communication. The Video Telephone can also be connected to overhead projectors and LCD TVs for a bigger display for communication between groups of people. This service also provides all the industry standard Class 5 features like Call Hold, Call Transfer, Do Not Disturb, Call Forward, Mute, Caller ID / Name Display or Block, Call Waiting, Call Waiting Caller ID, 3-Way Conferencing, Call Log, Video Phone Book, Off Hook Auto Dial, Auto Answer, Early Dial and Speed Dial, Redial, Volume Control, Visual Message / Voice-mail Indicator, Downloadable Custom Music Ring Tones, etc. Availability of Soft phone, which can be installed on a Personal Computer (PC), will further reduce the initial investment for subscribing to this service. The Soft phone will be provided FREE OF COST. DVD Quality pictures (30 fps) will ensure visual clarity at both ends. The controls will allow horizontal and vertical adjustments of the camera and zoom in and zoom out controls for better transmission of image.
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